I was taking a practice exam for an Oracle certification. There was a question about where I would look to track dependencies. The USER_DEPENDENCIES view was a given. But there seemed to be some other location. The answer given was table DEPTREE_TEMPTAB. I have never heard of it.

So I logged into Oracle and tried to describe DEPTREE_TEMPTAB. No such table. The first hit from Google search was from some Oracle 7 documentation. Maybe this table is long since deprecated? Nope. It does not come by default.

I located "utldtree.sql" script in my $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin folder. It seems like I can run it from my own schema. There were some errors when I ran the script. But it was just some DROP commands that assumed the script was run before. Now I was off to the races:

SQL> desc deptree_temptab
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ------

 OBJECT_ID                                          NUMBER
 REFERENCED_OBJECT_ID                               NUMBER
 NEST_LEVEL                                         NUMBER
 SEQ#                                               NUMBER

The table starts out empty. The comments in the script tell you to run a procedure to populate the table:

Rem        execute deptree_fill('procedure', 'scott', 'billing');
Rem        select * from deptree order by seq#;
Rem        execute deptree_fill('table', 'scott', 'emp');
Rem        select * from deptree order by seq#;
Rem        execute deptree_fill('package body', 'scott', 'accts_payable');
Rem        select * from deptree order by seq#;

Now we are cooking with gas:

SQL> select * from deptree_temptab;

---------- -------------------- ---------- ----------
     89390                    0          0          0 

I will need to delve into loading the table up with a lot of objects that depend on others. Maybe that is a topic for a future post.